青少年事工牧者:Pastor Aaron Garciaext.816

Rev. Frederick To 杜舫牧师 <frederick@mgc.ca>




Rev. Jimmy Li 李靖波牧师 <jimmy@mgc.ca>

当年,我认罪悔改、决志相信主,救主 耶稣基督 的时候,神就把“向有华人传统文化背景的同胞传福音”之负担放在我心里;后来,我回应了神的呼召,奉献传道,直到如今。这期间,我在Tyndale University College Seminary 攻读神学,主修教牧学,并于2005年5月毕业,获道学硕士。同时,先在“基石宣道会”参与开拓国语事工,后去 “爱证浸信会” 作神学实习,参与分堂事工。2006年5月在本堂会开始全职牧会,负责普通话事工;李张月梅师母和我一起配搭事奉。神赐给我们一个女儿、李佳,职业是护士;于2017年8月19日在本堂会举行婚礼,跟 Jermaine Ong 弟兄结为夫妻。



Rev. Paul Lee 李赫鎮牧师<paul@mgc.ca>

Rev. Paul Lee was born in Seoul, but his family moved to New York when he was ten and spent his teenage years there. He became a Christian back in Seoul in his mid-twenties and did his M.Div. at Chongshin Theological Seminary. He served as an English Ministry pastor for four years in Seoul before getting his M.Th. in biblical studies from Edinburgh, Scotland. He is currently working on his Ph.D. on Jonathan Edwards’ trinitarian soteriology. Paul is married to Sang-Hee, and they have one daughter, Irene. As a family, they like to travel to cities related to biblical or church history. In the summer, they enjoy fishing and barbecuing in nearby parks. During the cold winter months, Paul hibernates, Sang-Hee watches K-drama, and Irene cannot stop talking. In ministry, Paul is curious and enjoys studying the Bible and sharing what he learns with others. Paul prefers Americano, loves watching documentaries, and enjoys listening to clean stand-up comics.
Pastor Aaron Garcia <aaron@mgc.ca>
Aaron Garcia accepted Jesus as his saviour at the young age of 5 years old and has identified as a Christian ever since. In 2010, while still in high school, he received a call from God to work in youth ministry. Upon graduating from high school, he decided to obediently follow God’s calling for his life. He graduated from Tyndale University, College, and Seminary with a Bachelor of Religious Education in 2017 and from there he decided to complete his Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry at Tyndale Seminary in 2020. Aaron has been serving in youth ministry since 2013 and has been serving in Chinese churches since 2015. Before taking on the youth pastor role, Aaron had served at MGC as the youth director.