Established in 1979, and affiliated with the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada, Scarborough Chinese Gospel Church was a church plant of the Toronto Chinese Gospel Church. Transplanted to our present location in 1992, the church was renamed Milliken Gospel Church.
MGC is a church driven by the vision and a set of core values give us purpose and direction. It also binds our three congregations to be unified in our purpose and direction. The synergy and motivation is enhanced as we seek God to grow in us the life values and purpose so we may move together as a church.
We Believe
The inspired Word of God is the supreme governing authority of our lives.
The Godhead eternally exists in three persons, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The foundation of our faith is God the Son Jesus Christ became flesh through the Virgin Mary, died on the cross for our sins, rose after three days, ascended into heaven; and will return to judge mankind.
God’s Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, repentance, and of salvation through faith by grace.
The Church exists to glorify God through worship, service, testimony and proclamation of God’s redemption until Christ comes back again.
MGC Mission Statement
Proclaim the Gospel and expand God’s Kingdom
Teach the Word and disciple believers
Grow in fellowship and commit to world missions
Worship and serve to glorify God
Milliken Gospel Church (MGC) Vision Statement
MGC is a healthy church with mature and committed disciple of Christ, for the work of the Gospel to reproducing mature and committed disciple of Christ, from MGC to the ends of the earth.
Scriptural references: Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 1:28, 4:12
Milliken Gospel Church Core Values
1. Awaken and revive the passion of worship
2. Awaken and revive the fervency of praying
3. Awaken and revive the urgency of reaching out to the community
4. Awaken and revive the hunger of learning God’s word
5. Awaken and revive the deepening of loving one another
6. Awaken and revive the follow through of nurturing faith in our homes
7. Awaken and revive the fidelity of Christ centered living
8. Awaken and revive the dedication of serving
2024 Church Theme: Ready, Set, Grow: Journeying Together to Build Up the Church